

92 Bowery St., NY 10013


+1 800 123 456 789

What is the KINDFULNESS Project?

The aim of the Kindfulness Project is to instil the importance of cultivating kindness in children whilst rippling a wave of impact within their community and around the world.

Enabling children from the western world to connect with children in developing nations and engaging them with innovative and fun activities so that they can learn and grow together. 



Participation on this project will allow children to learn about the importance of our ecosystems and the environment that surrounds them.

The Green Pillar is an education programme which has been founded by an inspirational 10-year-old climate change activist in India called Prasiddhi Singh.

Prasiddhi Singh, Age 10, is the Prime Minister National Child Awardee (Highest Civilian Honor Under 18 years). She is the founder of the Prasiddhi Forest Foundation & The Green Pillar and the youngest Fruit Forest Creator of India (credibility: India book of Records). Appointed as the Child Ambassador for the year 2022-23, Green Tamil Nadu Mission, Prasiddhi is also the Brand Ambassador for the Nationwide Girl literacy campaign – “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” by Tamil Nadu Government. Owing to her dedicated work towards the environment, she has been featured in Wikipedia for her tree plantation programs & contribution towards the environment

Each step given within the Green Pillar is routed towards HEALING THE EARTH! Sign up here and become the impact creator!


Children can then participate in the Grow One, Gift One campaign. 

By planting a tree, they will be empowering children from a developing country with the gift of planting their own sustainable Kinfulness garden towards providing these less privilege children and their families they will help towards food security though our funding programme.

Through fun and engaging activities such as planting trees or painting decorate stones, they will get to experience how they can help impact their own local community with an initiative that matters to them. Alternatively, we would like to suggest their local nursing home for the elderly residents to feel a sense of connection with the outside world.


The children will also be given the opportunity to be featured in their own magazines as part of the Aunua Heroes series where they get to document their impact journey and share what they have learnt throughout this experience. They will get to share their stories, paintings, drawing and pictures or any other creative ideas they wish to contribute on and our team will help collate all of the content for their magazine